Risk Management Measures

Risk Management Measures

Fundamental Risk Management Policies

With the deregulation and internationalization of the financial sector and the diversification of financial services and businesses, the risks to which banks are exposed are becoming more complex and diverse, heightening the importance of risk management. Hyakugo Bank is working to strengthen and enhance risk management. Its fundamental risk management policy is to gain an accurate understanding and awareness of each type of risk, and to establish an appropriate risk management framework to maintain the soundness and adequacy of management and secure stable income.

Comprehensive Risk Management System

Hyakugo Bank has a comprehensive system to understand and manage the risks it faces in conducting its banking operations.
Specifically, risks are grouped into categories such as “credit risk,” “market risk” and “operational risk,” and some headquarters divisions are designated as having principal responsibility for managing a specific type of risk in the course of operations. In addition, the ALM Risk Management Committee and the Operational Risk Management Committee meet once a month to comprehensively gauge, evaluate and monitor the status of each risk and its management status, and consider risk management policies and measures, as well as submit major deliberation and reporting matters to the Management Committee and Board of Directors.
In addition, Hyakugo Bank quantifies risks according to consistent criteria and executes “comprehensive risk management” that controls the amount of risk within a scope appropriate to the Bank’s operating capabilities. Based on this approach, Hyakugo Bank sets limits for the amount of credit risk, market risk and operational risk, as well as for their total combined amount, in working to both maintain sound operations and generate stable earnings.
Moreover, by conducting internal audits through auditing units that are independent from business divisions, the Bank has established a mechanism for examining the appropriateness and effectiveness of management within each of its divisions and for encouraging improvement.

Systems Risk Management

Hyakugo Bank is working to prevent system malfunctions by conducting sufficient tests in advance when developing systems. We also prepare for emergency situations including system malfunctions and major natural disasters by duplicating infrastructure such as through the establishment of backup centers and formulating contingency plans.

(Reinforcement of Cyber Security Management)

In order to maintain and enhance system security against the recent spate of increasingly serious cyber attacks, Hyakugo Bank has concluded a joint response agreement on cybercrime with the Mie Prefecture police, and became a member of Financial ISAC (*1), an external organization, as part of efforts to set up an early warning and preventive system through broad coordination of information. In addition, it also established Hyakugo Bank CSIRT (*2), a cross-sectional organization in April 2017, to reinforce its readiness both in normal and emergency situations.

*1 Information Sharing and Analysis Center. An organization for sharing cyber security information between various businesses.
*2 Computer Security Incident Response Team. An organization established in preparation for contingencies involving security problems including systems, which operates on a daily basis.

Information Asset Risk Management

Hyakugo Bank takes all possible means to protect customer information and confidential business information by implementing various system security measures including measures to block unauthorized access, as well as thoroughly ensuring the proper handling of information assets among its directors and employees.

Reputational Risk Management

Hyakugo Bank has established a system for quickly responding to reputational risk by obtaining at an early stage information which could result in reputational risk including false reports and rumors. In addition, we are making efforts to enhance the understanding of and trust in the Bank through PR and IR activities.

Crisis Management

In addition to these risk management systems, Hyakugo Bank, in light of the public nature of banking operations, has formulated the Business Continuity Plan, which will enable it to continue offering or resume at an early stage the necessary financial services to maintain the social and economic activities of the region, even in the event of a major disaster such as earthquakes or epidemics such as new strains of influenza. In addition, Hyakugo Bank is reinforcing its capability to respond to crises by formulating various contingency plans and conducting regular drills.

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